Safety Tips


  1. You may ask some questions to assess the need of receiver. Nevertheless, directly or indirectly your item will reach a needy and you will earn good deed for your act.
  2. Platform chat is safer.
  3. Block the irritating buyers on platform chat if they are spoiling your platform experience.
  4. Hide your personal phone number from buyers when you don’t want them to see your number for SMS/ call Instead use platform chat or email.



  1. Take a friend with you, if going at far or remote locations.
  2. It is better if you fetch the item through online rider/delivery apps.
  3. Use a safe location to meet.
  4. Beware!! New items are rarely discarded – inquire first.
  5. Block the irritating givers on platform chat if they are spoiling your platform experience.
  6. You may not need to share your mobile/WhatsApp number. Platform chat is safer.              
  7. For further assistance, you may connect with us.
  8. Avoid cash transactions, everything is free at this platform.
  9. Beware of unrealistic Ads.
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